BS, Nuclear Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
Thesis: Investigation of velocity gradient as driving force of flow pulsation in fuel assemblies (2017)
Senior Director of Reactor Engineering
Oklo Inc. (Santa Clara, CA)
- Leading the development of advanced reactor design and analysis
- Managing engineering teams to support design, analysis, and licensing of advanced nuclear technologies
Deputy Senior Director of Product
Oklo Inc. (Santa Clara, CA)
- Leading reactor design and analysis across neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, fuel performance, and transient analysis disciplines
- Developing computational suite for multiphysics analysis of advanced reactor performance
- Managing engineering teams to support design, analysis, and licensing of advanced nuclear technologies
Director of Thermal Engineering
Oklo Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA)
- Led thermal-hydraulic design, analysis, and experimental programs for liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors
- Principal investigator (PI) of experimental and computational project with Argonne National Laboratory to improve characterization of key liquid metal thermal-hydraulic phenomena, funded under a DOE GAIN voucher
Reactor Engineer
Oklo Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA)
- Conducted high-fidelity safety analysis as documented in licensing-basis transient event analysis in Aurora Combined License Application (COLA)
- Led project with Sandia National Laboratories to characterize alkali metal heat pipe thermal limits and post-failure behavior
- Developed operational programs and procedures to support Aurora COLA
Undergraduate Researcher
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
- Designed and bench-level tested a 1/10th scale prototype for harvesting uranium in seawater
Engineering Intern
Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM)
- Conducted design and analysis for deep borehole disposal of spent nuclear fuel
- Performed criticality analysis using SCALE code suite
- Researched and evaluated instrumentation approaches for monitoring of borehole integrity
Technical Experience
Fast Reactor Design and Analysis
Analysis Tools
- Stochastic reactor physics (Serpent)
- Deterministic reactor physics (DIF3D)
- Thermal-hydraulics (SAS4A/SASSYS-1, ANSYS Fluent, Flownex)
- Mechanical analysis (ANSYS Mechanical)
- Fuel performance (BISON)
- Python
- Continuous Integration (CI)
Invited Speaker
- Transmutation of Used Nuclear Fuel Workshop, hosted by ARPA-E in Washington, D.C. (2023)
- Metallic Fuels R&D Workshop, hosted by the Advanced Fuels Campaign in Idaho Falls, ID (2023)
- Gen-IV Demos: Sodium Fast Reactor Technical Session at the Generation IV International Forum in Toronto, Canada (2022)
- Machine Learning Applications in Thermal Hydraulics at the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting in Anaheim, CA (2022)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies for Advanced Reactors Virtual Workshop, hosted by GAIN, EPRI, and NEI (2021)
Honors and Awards
- Roy Axford Award, Academic Achievement by a Senior in Nuclear Engineering (MIT) (2017)
- Ernest Cravalho Award, Outstanding Performance in Thermal-Fluids Engineering (MIT) (2016)
- Jim Lee Award, Senior Leadership in Men’s Water Polo (2016)